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    Tesouros de Bukowski revelados

    Poemas inditos do autor de "Crnica de um Amor Louco"so divulgados pelo "Examiner"

    Carla Romero avatar
    Conteúdo postado por:

    247 – Charles Bukowski, autor de “Crônica de um amor louco”, deve sua fama à prosa, mas também flertou com a poesia por mais de 30 anos. Suas incursões na seara voltam, agora, a atrair a atenção de leitores, colegas de ofício e críticos com a divulgação de dois poemas inéditos de sua autoria descobertos pela poeta norte-americana Ivonne de La VeGa e publicados neste sábado pelo Examiner ( São “An Answer” e “On The Bum”, produzidos em 1991, na Califórnia.

    Os flertes do autor norte-americano nascido na Alemanha com a poesia datam dos anos 40, quando começou a produzir os versos depois reunidos em “The Roominghouse Madrigals. A obra, que reúne composições de 1946 a 1966, chegou às livrarias no fim da década de 1980, foi o único livro de poemas de Bukowski com tiragem razoável. Suas demais publicações no gênero tornaram-se raridades objetos do desejo de colecionadores – entre eles, do pesquisador norte-americano John Martin, titular do site “Black Sparrow Press”, que com frequência divulga poesias e dados do escritor, morto em 1994, aos 73 anos.

    No total, Bukowski publicou mais de 40 livros. Sua obra serviu de inspiração a diversos artistas do mundo pop – inclusive do mundo do rock, caso da banda Red Hot Chlili Pepers. O autor tem sido identificado com a Geração Beat, por certos temas e estilo correlatos, mas sua vida e obra nunca deixaram evidente essa suposta afinidade com Jack Kerouac & cia.

    Confira, abaixo, as duas poesias inéditas de Charles Bukowski:

    An Answer

    within the past six years
    there have been four
    different rumors that i
    have died.
    I don’t know who begins
    these rumors
    or why.
    and certainly humans
    do worse things than
    yet I always feel strange
    when i must tell people,
    usually over the
    telephone, that I am
    not yet dead.
    somebody out there
    or perhaps several
    evidently get some
    in announcing that I am
    no longer

    some day,
    some night
    the announcement will be
    to put it mildly,
    I am no longer
    but these death-
    are an unsavory
    these hyenas,
    these vultures,
    these failed writers,
    will also some day be dead,

    their petty bitterness,
    their lying gutless
    beings gone into
    the dark.
    but for the moment,
    I am here
    and these last lines
    are for them:
    your cowardice will not be missed.
    even the roaches
    lived with more
    and you were always

    Charles Bukowski 1991
    San Pedro, California

    On The Bum

    moving from city to city
    I always had two pairs of

    my work shoes were
    thick and black
    and stiff.
    sometimes when I
    first put them on
    they were very painful,
    the toes were
    hardened and bent
    but I’d get them on
    on a hangover
    thinking, well
    here we go
    working for
    miserable wages
    and expected to
    be grateful
    for that,
    having been chosen
    from a score of

    it was probably my
    ugly and
    honest face.

    but putting on
    those shoes
    was always
    the beginning.

    i had always
    imagined myself
    escaping that.
    making it at the
    gaming table
    or in the
    or in the bed
    of some rich lady.

    maybe I got
    like that from
    living too long in
    Los Angeles,
    a place far too
    close to

    but going down
    those roominghouse
    with each beginning,

    the stiff shoes
    murdering my
    stepping out into
    the early sun,
    the sidewalk was
    and I was just one
    common laborer,
    one more
    the whole universe
    sliding through
    my head
    and out my ears.
    the timecard waited
    to check me in
    and out.
    and afterwards
    something to
    drink and the
    ladies from

    work shoes
    work shoes
    work shoes
    and me
    them with
    all the lights

    Charles Bukowski 1991
    San Pedro, California

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